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Thursday, May 31, 2018

Complete blood count

Complete blood count
src: slideplayer.com A complete blood count ( CBC ), also known as a complete blood cell count , full blood count ( FBC ), or full blood e...

Blood sugar level

Blood sugar level
src: cdn.diabetesselfmanagement.com The blood sugar level, blood sugar concentration , or blood glucose level is the amount of glucose pres...

Blood sugar level

Blood sugar level
src: cdn.diabetesselfmanagement.com The blood sugar level, blood sugar concentration , or blood glucose level is the amount of glucose pres...

Contaminated haemophilia blood products

Contaminated haemophilia blood products
src: enacademic.com Contaminated haemophilia blood products were a serious public health problem in the late 1970s up to 1985. These prod...

Acute pericarditis

Acute pericarditis
src: www.heartpearls.com Acute pericarditis is a type of pericarditis (inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart, the pericardium) usua...